Technical Merit: The technical merit of this proposal is to facilitate enhanced participation of young polymer scientists in a Gordon Conference that addresses several key areas at the frontiers of polymer science and engineering. The invited speakers are internationally known, world class experts in their respective areas of polymer physics, chemistry and engineering, as well as emerging young stars. Another criterion that is viewed as an important measure of the success of a GRC is attendance and active participation of young researchers who are diverse. For many of us, including the Chair and Co-Chair of this conference, early career attendance at GRCs provided scientific stimulation, development of professional relationships, and collaborations with other scientists that have been important in our professional development.
Broader Impact: The broader impact lies in the cultivation and development of tomorrow?s leaders in the polymer field and related interdisciplinary fields and to further diversity in the scientific force performing this interdisciplinary research. In keeping with the past tradition of what was previously named the Polymers (West) GRC, the Programmatic Themes of this year?s conference cover a range of important and timely topics spanning the range from polymer synthesis to polymer physics and engineering, including industrial trends in polymer science. These programmatic themes include polymer thinfFilm mechanical properties and patterning, polyelectrolytes for DNA complexation and cellular delivery, charged polymers for biomaterials, complex micelle assembly, polymer nanoparticles and nanotechnology, and the theory of charged polymer assembly.