****Technical Abstract**** One of the central issues in condensed matter physics is understanding the nature of the ground states in strongly correlated materials, the transitions between those states, and the associated dynamics. This project will seek to answer those questions by conducting a series of linear, non-linear and time-resolved transport measurements on two model experimental systems: two-dimensional electron system in semiconductor heterostructures and underdoped copper oxides. The knowledge gained from those studies will be essential to the development of condensed matter subfields of strongly correlated materials and out-of-equilibrium phenomena. This project will support the education and training of graduate and undergraduate students, who will acquire valuable technical and analytical skills for a wide range of careers in the areas of science and technology in academic, industrial or government settings. The PI and graduate students will also engage in a variety of outreach activities, such as the Annual Open House at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory.
In many novel materials with potentially great technological importance, such as high-temperature superconductors, the state that conducts electricity (a "conductor") is created by chemically doping an otherwise insulating material. Such materials, therefore, find themselves close to the conductor-insulator transition. Understanding the nature of this transition thus represents an important issue for materials science and technology. It also presents a fundamental problem in condensed matter physics. This project will address the problem of complex behavior near the conductor-insulator transition by performing electrical transport measurements on semiconductor devices and high temperature superconductor materials. The results anticipated from these experiments are expected to provide fundamental insights into these problems, and may be of relevance for future applications. The project will give graduate and undergraduate students an excellent preparation for careers in academia, industry, and government.