The Materials Research Laboratory (MRL) at Stanford University supports interactive and interdisciplinary materials research in three primary thrust areas. Researchers in the polymers thrust are studying polymer structure and dynamics using optical techniques; emphasis is being placed on increasingly complex materials, and an expert in chemical synthesis has joined the group. The thrust program on superconducting materials focuses on the preparation of high-temperature superconducting materials in a variety of ways and on understanding the behavior of these materials. Researchers in the surface structure and reactivity group, in a collaborative effort with IBM Almaden, are investigating the structure, mobility and reactivity of adsorbates on surfaces, using spectroscopic techniques with a strong emphasis on synchrotron radiation. The Stanford MRL places a strong emphasis on the development, operation and maintenance of major central research facilities in materials preparation and characterization. It also provides seed funding for exploratory research; supports initiatives to broaden the participation of women and minorities in materials research; and fosters research participation by undergraduates. The program currently involves 26 faculty members and senior personnel from eight academic departments, 3 postdoctoral research associates, 50 graduate students and 13 undergraduates, and supporting scientific and clerical staff. The Stanford MRL is directed by Professor Stig B. Hagstrom.