The main theme of this research is centered on microstructures formed in polymer systems by taking advantage of the interplay between functional groups, such as coulombic interactions. Although the studies start by using block copolymers in the absence of coulombic interactions, i.e., neutral polymers, the creation of microdomains of polymeric materials by introducing interactions, such as electrostatic charges, will be emphasized. The experiments will be complemented by a collaboration with A. Khokhlov of Moscow State University who will provide theoretical development on how clusters and aggregations which form microdomains can be calculated based on free-energy considerations. The interplay of experimental limitations and theoretical assumptions and approximations, including the use of well-defined polymer systems which are to be synthesized in collaboration with D. G. Peiffer at Exxon and the Institute of Organo-Element Compounds, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, is essential to providing a deeper understanding on the formation of microstructures. The research effort is related to the exploration of our understanding on how microstructures can be manipulated in polymer systems in order to achieve specific macroscopic properties in existing polymer materials.