9407100 Balazs The focus of this theoretical research is to determine the effect of polymer architecture on the properties of macromolecules in solutions, in blends and at surfaces. In these studies the focus is on combs and branched polymers. The aim of the research is to determine how the entropic, as well as energetic, contributions to the free energies of mixing are affected by the architectural complexity of the macromolecules. In particular, the formation of micelles from comb copolymers in solution will be studied, as well as the creation of miscible blends with combs and linear or other comb copolymers. An additional goal is to tether linear and comb copolymers onto surfaces and create interfaces which mimic biological systems. The objective is to design channels from synthetic polymers that can display simple gating and switching behavior or act as receptors for certain chains in solution. %%% This largely computational study will investigate the properties of mixtures of polymers which are shaped like combs. These type of polymers have unique properties, especially relating to adhesion, enable a variety of structures to form. Applications to biomimetic systems which will simulate simple electronic behavior will be studied. ***