9412853 Cross A major International Conference on the Application of Ferroelectric Materials will be held August 7-10, 1994 at Pennsylvania State University; University Park, PA. The Con ference focuses on current topics in the synthesis, processing and utilization of fer roelectrics in a variety of applications. Piezoelectrics, Dielectrics, Electrostrictives, Pyroelectrics, and Photorefractives are all covered from these perspectives in Plenary and Regular Sessions, as well as in extensive Poster Sessions. Arrangements have been made to allow for in-depth discus sions on critical subject areas. It is expected that top scientists in the field will attend, and that the Conference sessions will provide an effective forum to discuss and delineate critical scientific issues, and to consider and define the approaches and techniques needed to ad dress them. %%% An evaluation of the status of the general chemistry and physics of ferroelectrics from their basic synthesis and processing to their utilization in applications, and recommendations by the session participants for the emphasis of future work, and their assessment of the most important contem porary research issues will be of great value to the understanding and development of ferroelec tric and related materials, and for their subsequent utilization in fields such as microelectronics, and for their general applications as sensors and actuators. ***