The development of a moveable surface scattering chamber to be situated at the Advanced Photon Source for the study of surfaces and interfaces will be funded with the assistance of the Academic Research Infrastructure Program. The facility will include instrumentation for surface cleaning and diagnostics, electron spectroscopy, and in-situ molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) growth capabilities. Sample holders will be designed for use in the 10-2500 K temperature range. The X-ray scattering will feature a state-of-the-art 6 circle diffractometer. The surface scattering chamber will normally be set up on a bending magnet beamline. The research topics to benefit from this facility include: 1) surface crystallography and phase transitions of clean metal and semiconductor surfaces; 2) alloy and multicomponent surfaces; 3) chemically induced structural changes; 4) nonmetal-to-metal transitions in ultrathin films; 5) step-flow growth; 6) buried interfaces; 7) self-assembled organic monolayers; 8) magnetic scattering from surfaces and interfaces; 9) time-dependent studies of surface phase transformations; 10) coherent X-ray scattering from surfaces. A moveable surface scattering chamber for use at the Advanced Photon Source synchrotron will be developed for the study of surfaces and interfaces. The research will involve the structure and phase transitions of surfaces including time- dependent studies and unusual nonmetal-to-metal transitions in ultrathin films, chemically induced changes in surfaces, buried interfaces, magnetic scattering from surfaces, and coherent X- ray scattering from surfaces.