9422496 Ceperley This research on the elctronic structure of condensed matter systems is jointly suppported by the Divisions of Materials Research, Advanced Scientific Computing and Mathematical Sciences. The research combines state-of-the-art research on electronic structure with algorithm development for massively parallel computers through support for both computational scientists and physicists. The primary methods to be used are a combination of Quantum Monte Carlo and Density Functional Theory. Using these techniques a wide variety of problems will be addressed including excitations in quantum Hall systems, votices in superfluids, silicon clusters, surface energies of metals, transport in quantum dot systems and strongly correlated electrons in copper oxide planes. Algorithms are being developed for independent electrons which scale linearly with the system size. %%% This computationally intensive research will use the latest techniques and computers to attack a variety of problems involving the behavior of many electron systems in materials and condensed phases. The research is being jointly funded by the Divisions of Materials Research, Advanced Scientific Computing and Mathematical Sciences. ***