9502326 Lu The knowledge of constitutive behavior of a powder compact is import in the manufacture of many material systems which involve the sintering of inhomogeneous particle packings. However, experimental data on the constitutive behavior of these complex systems are scarce and theoretical models predicting the behavior differ significantly from one to another. In this research project, a new experimental method based on noncontact optical techniques will be demonstrated and further developed to gain a fundamental understanding of constitutive behavior of powder compacts. %%% A new experimental method, based on noncontact optical technique, will be developed to gain a fundamental understanding of constitutive behavior of powder compacts. The applicant's career goal is to pursue teaching excellence as well as research excellence in the field of Materials Science and Engineering. By teaching fundamental principles and problem solving skills and promoting active learning through curriculum innovations, it is expected that graduates will be better equipped to develop new intellectual skills, increase their technical knowledge, and make technology innovations that will serve our societal needs and national goals.