9523655 Cavanagh The emergence of new experimental and theoretical capabilities are having a major impact on the ability to understand the mechanisms that underlie the dynamics of chemical processes at surfaces and interfaces. Current research is focused on extending this insight to the atomic level properties of systems undergoing chemical change. The Gordon Research Conference entitled Dynamics at Surfaces provides a unique opportunity for students to interact with leaders in this active field and to delve into frontier questions of atomic scale growth and energy transfer. The Dynamics at Surfaces conference will provide a unique opportunity to bring together researchers with diverse backgrounds and expertise in subspecialties that currently have common meeting venue. The availability of one-on-one contact time is critical to foster the development of rewarding interactions between researchers in areas of laser spectroscopy, scanning probe microscopy, film growth, and other dynamical aspects of surface reactions. %%% The Gordon Research Conference entitled Dynamics at Surfaces provides a unique opportunity for students to interact with leaders in this active field and to delve into frontier questions of atomic scale growth and energy transfer.