9527035 Crow The National High Magnetic Field Laboratory (NHMFL) is operated by a consortium composed of the University of Florida, Florida State University, and Los Alamos National Laboratory. The Laboratory is administered by Florida State University as a national user facility, available competitively to users on the basis of merit. Established in 1990 and dedicated in 1994, the Laboratory through an extraordinary state-federal partnership with multi-agency participation has developed unique facilities in support of magnet-related research at the highest attainable magnetic fields. The Laboratory is structured around three major thrusts: (1) user facilities developed in response to users' needs that are opening new frontiers for science opportunities, (2) magnet science and technology developed in partnership with the private sector to enhance U.S. competitiveness, and (3) basic science research driven by a partnership between external and in house users that drives high magnetic field science and technology opportunities at and beyond the cutting edge. &&& During the first five years, the NHMFL established the essential infrastructure and demonstrated its international leadership in magnet-related technologies and science. The second five years will focus on the capitalization of the federal and state investment to realize the full scientific potential of the new facility. The Laboratory will have a science and magnet technology program that will expand the current capabilities, develop new magnet systems, and drive new science discoveries at the highest fields and at the extremes of pressure and temperature. The Laboratory will provide continuous fields (up to 50 tesla) in the magnetic field region formerly thought to be reserved for only pulsed magnets and pulsed fields (100 tesla for milliseconds) in the range that has been a dream of researchers for over a decade. The availability of opportunities in magnetic resonance at 900 MHz and beyond w ill be a critical aspect of the Laboratory's efforts to build a users' center of excellence in very high field magnetic resonance spectroscopies. The in-house science program will be developed in cooperation with the external users and will address the following research areas: highly correlated electron systems including heavy fermions, cuprate superconductors, molecular conductors, and quantum systems; magnetic materials; and magnetic resonance spectroscopies as applied to the chemical, physical, and biological sciences. The laboratory is poised to become the preeminent center for multi-disciplinary research using high magnetic fields. ***