9531009 Ward This five-year award provides operating funds to the Synchrotron Radiation Center (SRC), administered by the University of Wisconsin-Madison, as a national facility for the utilization of ultra-violet and soft x-ray synchrotron radiation in scientific investigations. Intense, polarized, tunable beams of photons are provided by the Aladdin storage ring. Aladdin operates with high-brightness bending magnets and three insertion devices. Studies carried out at the SRC impact the research fields of astronomy, biology, chemistry, engineering, manufacturing technology, materials science, medicine, condensed matter physics, and materials physics. The SRC is a user oriented facility which builds and maintains beamlines used for basic research, and provides instruction and technical support for individual investigators who use the beamlines. SRC support facilities include machine shops, electronics shops, clean assembly rooms, chemical processing laboratories, and a stock room, available to investigators working at the Center. SRC accepts proposals from all qualified investigators. %%% At present, more than 60 groups from universities, industry, and national laboratories conduct research on the 26 operating beamlines at the SRC. The SRC operation includes 11 public beamlines and 15 Participating Research Team (PRT) beamlines. Several specialized beamlines are under development. Eighteen operating lines have monochromators which cover the photon energy range from a few eV to several keV. The SRC operates at two electron energies: 800 MeV and 1 GeV. Several unique beamlines are available including 6 beamlines enclosed in a Class 10 Clean Room operated by the Center for X-ray Lithography. ***