9632182 Thorpe The mechanical stability and associated properties of network glasses can be analyzed by studying the floppy modes, the low frequency eigenmodes. Using a recently devised algorithm, called the pebble game, in two dimensions, the PI has been successful in calculating several measures of the cluster statistics for a large number of sites. The current grant is to explore extension of this work to 3 dimensions, to explore development of an associated thermodynamic formalism and thereby study floppy- rigid transitions. This research should produce an improved understanding of hardness, the structural behavior of tunneling modes and the nature of fragile and strong glass formers. %%% This grant supports research in the mechanical stability of glasses. The research involves developments of measures of strength and mathematical techniques for a reliable calculation of them. The various projects here are at the forefront of the interface between applied mathematics and materials science. This research should produce an improved understanding of hardness, of its relationship to elastic waves and the nature of fragile and strong glass formers. ***