9710207 Wager This GOALI proposal, co-supported by MPS/OMA, and the DMR Ceramics and Electronic Materials programs, addresses basic chemistry and materials science aspects of commercially-relevant phosphors, and through a multidisciplinary approach aims to both develop new phosphors appropriate for electroluminescent(EL) flat-panel displays, and to systematically analyze and optimize structure/performance properties of EL phosphors. The research strategy is to understand fundamental phosphor defect chemistry and relate this fundamental chemistry and solid state physics to the performance behavior of EL phosphors. Several synthesis and processing routes will be explored including a novel combination of MOCVD and RF sputtering for luminescent dopant incorporation and/or deep level doping, and the synthesis of two classes of nitride films with cations that are valence and size-matched to rare earth luminescent dopants(Eu, Ce, Tm). Joint collaborative activities include staff exchange with graduate students spending time at Planar America, Inc. The proposed research emphasizes understanding of fundamental mechanisms and processes along with some practical aspects of electronic/photonic materials and device technology. %%% The project addresses forefront materials science research issues in a topical area of materials science having high technological relevance. The research will contribute basic materials science knowledge at a fundamental level to important aspects of display devices and photonic devices, in general. Additionally, the fundamental knowledge and understanding gained from the research is expected to contribute to improving the performance of display technology by providing a fundamental understanding and a basis for designing and producing improved photonic materials. An important feature of the program is the integration of research and education through the training of students in a fundamentally and technologically significant area. ***