The Materials Research Science and Engineering Center (MRSEC) at Michigan State University focuses on sensing materials for control and diagnostics. The Center also provides seed funding for new opportunities in sensor materials. The Center supports education outreach efforts that include research experiences for undergraduates and outreach to the pre-college level through hands-on workshops for junior high school science teachers. The MRSEC also supports shared experimental facilities that are accessible to center participants and to outside users, and broad industrial outreach efforts.
Research in this MRSEC is organized into two interdisciplinary research groups. One group emphasizes optical probes of processes critical to engine diagnostics and sensing. A second group explores various transduction methods for transforming chemical and physical information into electrical signals. Participants in the Center currently include 21 senior investigators, 3 postdoctoral associates, 11 graduate students, 8 undergraduates, and one administrative support personnel. Professor Brage Golding directs the MRSEC.