9871850 Atwater This objectives of this project are to develop the synthesis, processing, manipulation and characterization tools to enable and improve novel, emerging silicon nanoparticle memory and logic devices. These devices exploit common approaches for particle synthesis, manipulation, interface passivation and electrical and optical characterization of ordered, passivated arrays of size-classified silicon nanoparticles which are integrated into larger device structures. Device structures to be addressed in this project include: a nonvolatile memory based on discrete charge storage on the nanoparticle floating gate of a field-effect transistor, and a silicon nanoparticle-based implementation for a cellular automata wire/logic gate, in which information is propagated by cell-cell electrostatic interactions rather than by current flow. The nanoparticle engineering and assembly methods developed in this program may enable the first realization of a cellular automata logic gate capable of room temperature operation. Key aspects of the synthesis and processing are engineering of nanoparticle size, shape, dielectric passivation thickness and stoichiometry, and control of nanoparticle position. Control of position is achieved in model device structures using force manipulation by a scanning probe microscope. Another effort is aimed at utilizing fluid and colloidal forces to fabricate ordered linear and planar arrays. Characterization of charge state and morphology at the single particle level is performed using conducting tip atomic force microscopy. %%% The project addresses basic research issues in a topical area of science and engineering having high technological relevance. The research will contribute new knowledge at a fundamental level to important aspects of electronic devices. The basic knowledge and understanding gained from the research is expected to contribute to improving the performance of advanced devices by providing a fundamental understanding and a basis for designing and producing improved materials, and materials combinations. An important feature of the program is the integration of research and education through the training of students in a fundamentally and technologically significant area. This research grant is made under the Nanotechnology Initiative (NSF 98-20), and is co-funded by the Directorate for Engineering, the Directorate for Computer and Information Science and Engineering, and the Directorate for Mathematical and Physical Sciences. The research team is a university/industry/government lab collaboration between Applied Physics and Chemical Engineering faculty at the California Institute of Technology, and technical staff at Bell Labs/Lucent Technologies and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.