The PI whose background is in applied mathematics and mechanics will spend one year immersed in the multidisciplinary environment of the BIO5 institute at the University of Arizona to learn and work on the modeling of the vascular system and tumour growth. This goal will be achieved through close interaction and collaboration with a Drs. Tim SECOMB, (department of physiology), Jay HOYING (biomedical engineering program), and Robert GATENBY (department of radiology) whose combine expertise span all relevant scientific levels from clinical studies, cellular, molecular, and genomic analyses to modeling. Also, the hosts all had prior collaborations with each other and mathematicians. In parallel to in-depth studies of the biology of vascular network, angiogenesis, and tumour growth, specific research projects will be undertaken including (i) the mechanics of vessels walls in non cylindrical geometry with application to branching and vasculogenesis, (ii) the physical development and distribution of pre-malignant tumour cells in microenvironmental acidosis. Furthermore, the PI will lend his expertise in data analysis of cDNA microarray to the experimental group. Two graduate students in Applied Mathematics (Rebecca Vandiver and Mark Robertson-Tessi) will also work on the project and pursue their doctoral work on growth and mechanics of soft-tissues. The grant will enhance the PI research career, as well as open new educational opportunities for students that will be achieve through the biomathematics seminar and pursuing funding through training grants in the area of biomathematics.
This IGMS project is jointly supported by the MPS Office of Multidisciplinary Activities (OMA) and the Division of Mathematical Sciences (DMS).