This award supports a three-year series of series of regional workshops designed to enhance the professional development of advanced undergraduates, graduate students, and postdoctoral fellows interested in pursuing careers in applied mathematics or related scientific fields. This workshop series, which has become known as Cha-Cha Days (after the founding institutions Charleston and Chapel Hill) is an annual two-day meeting designed to expose students to graduate and postgraduate research activities, in an environment that promotes dialogue and inquiry.
The workshop locations will be the College of Charleston, the University of Central Florida, and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Speakers are primarily advanced graduate students and postdoctoral fellows from universities and research facilities located in the southeastern United States. Attendees also present research through poster sessions. Keynote speakers are selected from among senior members at the organizers? institutions, scientific laboratories, and technical companies in the southeastern region.
The workshop series promotes networking of young applied mathematicians with industry, laboratories, and universities in the southeastern United States, helps to create a more inclusive and diverse community of young scientists, and informs young researchers of regional opportunities in scientific research, both academic and industry based.
Workshop series web site: