Nipissing University will offer a Workshop on Topological Methods in Algebra, Analysis, and Dynamical Systems in order to bring researchers and students in these areas together for a five-day series of workshops. The workshops will be jointly supported by the National Science Foundation and the Fields Institute, and will be held at Nipissing?s campus in North Bay, Ontario, Canada, May 12-16, 2008. The scientific focus of the workshops will be on recent developments in topological and analytic methods in dynamical systems and algebra.
Over the last 20-25 years, there have been many developments that have increased the interaction among topology, dynamical systems, algebra, and analysis. NSF support will be used for at least 10 US-based students and recent PhDs to attend the workshops. The workshops will provide the opportunity for recently trained professional mathematicians and students to prepare for research in areas in which current developments are moving rapidly at the intersection point of topology, analysis, algebra , and dynamics. Major speakers with international reputations have been selected who are active in these research areas.