Statistical Analysis of Neuronal Data (SAND4) is a workshop devoted to defining important problems in neuronal data analysis and useful strategies for attacking them. The conference will display novel statistical methods in the context of substantive neuroscientific research, and will highlight problems that require new statistical approaches. Throughout the conference an attempt will be made to discuss the interplay of statistical theory and practice. There will be 5 scientific sessions, at which 9 senior investigators and 16 junior investigators will speak. There will also be a poster session. A special issue of the Journal of Computational Neuroscience is planned for publication of selected papers from the conference.
Statistical Analysis of Neuronal Data (SAND4) is the fourth international workshop in the series that began in 2002. The workshops are held in even years at Carnegie Mellon University during the Spring. The fourth workshop will occur May 29-31, 2008. SAND4 will bring together neurophysiologists, statisticians, physicists, computer scientists, and engineers who are interested in quantitative analysis of neuronal data. This workshop series aims to foster communication between experimental neuroscientists and those trained in statistical and computational methods; and to provide further dissemination of the findings presented at the workshop via a set of peer-reviewed articles. Secondary objectives are to encourage young researchers, including graduate students, to present their work; expose young researchers to important challenges and opportunities in this interdisciplinary domain, while providing a small meeting atmosphere to facilitate the interaction of young researchers with senior colleagues; and include as participants women, under-represented minorities and persons with disabilities who might benefi from the small workshop environment.