Over the last 21 years, the Annual Workshop on Automorphic Forms and Related Topics has remained a small and friendly conference. Those attending range from students to new PhD's to well established researchers. For young researchers, the conference has provided support and encouragement; for accomplished researchers, it has provided the opportunity to mentor and build networks, as well as a forum for exchanging ideas. The workshop has become internationally recognized for both its high-quality research talks and its supportive atmosphere for junior researchers.
Participants give presentations covering all areas related to automorphic forms, including Maass wave forms, elliptic curves, Siegel and Jacobi modular forms, special values of L-functions, random matrices, quadratic forms, computation and applications of modular forms, etc. These topics are among those at the cutting edge of current research in number theory, and they have applications in other fields such as physics, cryptography, and computer science, to name a few.
In addition to research presentations on recent and on-going projects, this workshop will continue the successful tradition begun in 2003 of featuring discussion sessions, facilitated/moderated by experts, on numerous topics germane to junior faculty. In recent years, topics have included ``Where is it best to publish?", ``How to restart a stalled research program?", ``Encouraging and retaining women and other under-represented groups in the Number Theory community'', to name a few. This year, the Workshop will consider the following topics: "How to start and maintain mathematical collaboration"; and "Where is research on automorphic forms going?"
These discussions are attended by essentially all the conference participants, and a written summary of the main points is produced and posted on the workshop?s website.