This award provides support to defray expenses of researchers participating in the conference "Harmonic Analysis and Partial Differential Equations," which will be held on the University of Nebraska-Lincoln campus on April 17 and 18, 2010. Most of the funding will be directed to graduate students, postdocs, and junior faculty, but certain senior participants will be funded as well.
The conference will cover a wide range of topics, touching upon virtually all the active areas in harmonic analysis and partial differential equations. The conference is being held in conjunction with the annual Howard Rowlee Lecture. The 2010 Rowlee lecturer is Carlos Kenig, whose research interests furnish the unifying theme for the conference. The format of the conference provides ample opportunity for young mathematicians to present their work and otherwise to participate fully in conference activities.
Most of the funds provided by this grant were principally used to support the Conference on Partial Differential Equations (PDE's) which was subsequent to, and in celebration of, the 2010 University of Nebraska (UNL) Rowlee Lecture, which was delivered by Carlos Kenig of the University of Chicago. Several other eminent mathematicians were also in attendance at this Conference, and delivered talks on their ongoing research. In particular, the funds allowed for the participation of graduate students from several different parts of the United States, some of them being members of minority groups which have been historically underrepresented in the various STEM disciplines. These graduate student attendees were thus given opportunity, which they might not have had otherwise, to present their research before an audience of very high caliber PDE mathematicians, and to moreover meet and connect with PDE researchers of all stripes. Those graduate students of the UNL Mathematics Department with interest in PDE's of course also drew direct benefit from our running a Conference which was composed of such distinguished mathematicians. The link to the Conference web page is On this page can be found the schedule of Conference talks, various pictures from the Conference banquet, the slides used by Professor Kenig during his Rowlee and Conference lectures; etc. With the funds that remained after the aforesaid PDE Conference, the Principal Investigators were enabled to bring in outside speakers to speak in the UNL Department of Mathematics Colloquium series. Each of our invited Colloquium speakers gave a talk on a topic which was consonant with the theme of the above Conference; namely, harmonic analysis, partial differential equations and their applications. We believe these speakers greatly enhanced an already strong PDE research atmosphere here at UNL. In addition, these remaining funds were used to provide partial travel support for three graduate students, so that they could attend and participate in the Special Session, "Continuous and Numerical Analysis in the Control of PDE's", which was held within the American Mathematical Society Fall 2011 Central Section Meeting (at UNL). The link to this Session is