This award supports travel for participants in the conference "Control, Optimization, and Functional Analysis: Synergies and Perspectives," held 2-3 October 2010 at the University of California, San Diego. The workshop brings together mathematicians and theoretical engineers working on functional analysis, systems theory, optimization, and real algebraic geometry, and aims to steer the mathematical talent gathered through the workshop towards problems of increased physical and engineering relevance. Topics to be addressed at the workshop explore the interconnections between control theory, optimization, and functional analysis.
The conference will foster collaborations among junior and senior researchers. An article on the findings of the meeting will be published in the Control Systems Magazine of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. The conference encourages and supports participation by graduate students, junior researchers, and members of under-represented groups.
Conference web site:
On 2-4 October 2010, a workshop sponsored by the National Science Foundation was held to review the progress and chart the way forward in the area that straddles control theory, optimization, and functional analysis. The specific topics of focus were H-infinity synthesis theory for linear and nonlinear systems, linear matrix inequalities, operator model theory, noncommutative geometry, noncommutative computer algebra, and spectral representations of operators. The workshop provided opportunities for rich interaction between leading mathematicians working in these areas and theoretical engineers who develop algorithms and tools for solving real problems in control systems design, circuit analysis and design, signal processing, and other fields. The workshop included over 80 attendees from more than 34 universities, including participants from five continents and junior researchers and graduate students from engineering, mathematics, and control programs in Southern California. The workshop consisted of 39 technical talks by a spectrum of invited speakers, of whom a significant portion were junior researchers. Complete information on the workshop, including the final program and the abstracts of the talks, is available on the workshop website A summary of the workshop is published in an article entitled "Control, Optimization, and Functional Analysis: Synergies and Perspectives," by M. Krstic et al, which was published in the June 2011 issue of the Control Systems Magazine, a bi-monthly publication of the Control Systems Society of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).