The conference "Imaging, Communications and Finance: Stochastic Modeling of Real-world Problems" is scheduled to be held on June 24-25, 2011 at Columbia University in New York, NY. The purpose of the conference is to bring together scientists, from diverse research areas and career stages, in order to identify and discuss key emerging areas of interdisciplinary research where mathematical sciences promise to play an important role in the coming years. The diversity of the conference participants, which will include researchers from the fields of mathematics, statistics, radiology, engineering and finance, will help strengthen the connection between mathematical sciences and other science and engineering disciplines, as well as between established researchers and junior researchers in the start of their careers. This will have the effect of advancing knowledge both within and across different fields of research by sharing knowledge, identifying specific research problems of particular importance and helping to facilitate new collaborations between individuals and institutions.
Statistics and probability play an increasingly important role in a variety of interdisciplinary research areas including neuroscience, genetics, physics, finance and engineering. The goal of this conference is to focus on a number of important and emerging interdisciplinary areas of research, such as imaging, telecommunications and finance. Though the individual topic areas are diverse, a unifying theme for the conference is the use of probabilistic, combinatorial, and statistical analysis of models for problems arising in the real world. The conference will highlight important contributions already made through the use of statistics and probability, including the development of new reconstruction algorithms for medical imaging; stochastic models in risk analysis and finance; and methods for analyzing complicated network data arising from social, energy, traffic, communication, and computer problems. In addition, the conference will attempt to identify emerging issues where statistics and probability promise to play an important role in the future and help facilitate collaborations between researchers in these areas and the mathematical sciences.
was held on June 24-25, 2011 at Columbia University in New York, NY. The conference, which had over 100 attendees, consisted of 17 scientific talks and 12 poster presentations. The conference brought together scientists, from diverse research areas and career stages, in order to identify and discuss key emerging areas of interdisciplinary research where mathematical sciences promise to play an important role in the coming years. Through these activities, the conference played an important role in fostering new research partnership between young and senior participants and among researchers in different areas of applications. Key research areas discussed included medical imaging, finance, telecommunication and the analysis of complex network data. Information about the workshop was placed on the conference webpage to serve as a practical educational tool and slides from the talks were made available to researchers unable to attend the conference. The conference advanced knowledge within the discipline by sharing knowledge, indentifying specific research problems of particular importance and facilitating new collaborations between individuals and institutions. With the help of NSF funds the conference was able to promote research activities, education and participation of new investigators, graduate students, and researchers from under-represented groups.