This award provides funding to help defray the expenses of participants, especially women, graduate students, postdocs, and junior faculty, in the "Recent Progress in Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Dynamics" conference that will be held from June 4--9, 2012, at the Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon in Lyon, France. This conference will cover a variety of topics in analysis (e.g., dynamical systems, mathematical physics, partial differential equations), with KAM theory serving as a key unifying theme. All of the conference topics are central to analysis and extremely active subjects of current research. The format of the meeting is such that young people will have ample opportunities to speak and be otherwise engaged in the various conference activities.
From June 4 --- 9, 2012 at the Ecole Normale Superior de Lyon, France a conference ``Recent progress in Lagrangian dynamics'' took place. The conference was supported by Centre national de la recherche scientifique, France, Universite de Lyon, France, Institut Universitaire de France, Unité de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées, de l'ENS de Lyon, the Michael Brin Foundation, University of Maryland, the National Science Foundation. Here is the webcite The conference was a great success. The list of speakers features twoFields medalists: Cedric Villani and Jean-Christophe Yoccoz as well as many other well established experts from all around the world: China, Russia, France, USA, Mexico, Germany. It included Helmut Hofer from IAS, Rafael de Llave from Georgia Tech, Konstantin Khanin from Toronto, Dmitry Treschev from Steklov Institute, John Mather from Princeton. The speakers made a great effort to describe the panorama of the field with recent progress and a vairety of challenging problems. This was of great profit for non-experts and young participants. The conference took place at Ecole Normale Superior de Lyon, which is well established institution world wide, with long tradition of hosting big scientific events. It faculty gave ICM talks, including plenary talks, and had a great facilities and atmosphere for mathematical discussions. The main use of the NSF support was to support young mathematicians and participants from US without NSF support. The support included travel and lodging. We include the list of people in a separate file.