This Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program at Grand Valley State University will provide talented undergraduate students from across the nation with first-hand, experiential knowledge of the process of conducting mathematical research. Over the course of eight weeks each summer, eight undergraduate students will engage in mathematical research on an interesting, original, and mathematically significant topic selected by a faculty mentor. Research results may have applications in national security, political science, and industry. These experiences will enable participants to make an informed decision about pursuing a career as a mathematician.
During the program, faculty mentors will work to enhance students' written and verbal communication skills and build a community of scholars. Students are expected to present their findings several times over the summer. Projects funded by prior REUs at Grand Valley State University have resulted in prize-winning posters and numerous award-winning student talks at national meetings of mathematicians, and at least twenty published or accepted papers in peer-reviewed journals. Most of the alumni of the previous REUs choose to attend (or have attended) graduate school in mathematics or a closely related field. These students report that the REU had an impact on their choice to pursue a career in mathematics or a related field. The nonacademic career choices of program alumni include software engineering, working for the National Security Administration, and financial engineering.