The Mathematical and Theoretical Biology Institute (MTBI) is an eight-week multi-summer research experience for undergraduates in mathematical biology hosted by Arizona State University (ASU). MTBI focuses on dynamical systems (broadly interpreted to include continuous and discrete deterministic and stochastic systems) and modeling applied to biology. The first part of the program consists of morning lectures given by the MTBI faculty that introduce the students to core mathematical topics in the context of biological applications. Typical lecture topics include qualitative behavior of nonlinear differential and difference equations including stability and bifurcation of equilibria; probability and stochastic processes; population modeling and epidemiology from both a continuous and discrete perspective (both time and population); and data fitting through statistical methods including inverse problem solving. Afternoon computer laboratories introduce the students to programming and computation in MATLAB and Maple; students often are also exposed to Mathematica, R, XPP AUTO, LaTeX, and other software that will help with their mathematical research. During the second part of MTBI, the students divide into groups and identify a research topic of interest. With the help of the MTBI faculty, they formulate this topic into a mathematical question and then work on their self-selected projects for the remainder of the program under the direction of MTBI faculty. The research results are presented to the ASU community in a colloquium and each group submits a manuscript. Students and faculty are encouraged to continue their work during the year and submit their research papers to professional journals. Students are also encouraged to present their work at national conferences throughout the year.
MTBI recruits heavily from U.S. underrepresented minorities, women, and those individuals with limited STEM and research opportunities in their home institutions. The MTBI faculty has extensive experience in mentoring these types of students, in helping them develop research projects, and in guiding these research projects. The overall goals of MTBI are 1) to develop and nurture individuals who will impact the culture and diversity of the U.S. mathematical sciences while strengthening their communities and 2) to increase their success rate as they journey through their baccalaureate programs to successful Ph.D. scholars working in academia or industry. MTBI's objectives support these goals: to recruit primarily but not exclusively targeted individuals; to provide an intensive and in-depth research experience in the mathematical sciences; to familiarize students with computational tools and software essential for research in mathematical biology; to foster a collaborative learning environment and strong bond among all participants; to develop a strong support network for them; and to track students for at least six years after completion of their MTBI experience. With quality mentoring and research, MTBI will continue to bring about change at the national level and truly impact the U.S. workforce.
This site is co-funded by the Department of Defense in partnership with the NSF REU program.