The Ohio River Analysis Meeting (ORAM) will be held on March 9-10, 2013, at the University of Cincinnati, in Cincinnati OH. ORAM is an annual analysis conference organized jointly by the mathematics department at the University of Cincinnati and the University of Kentucky and it is now in its third year. Analysis is a major area of strength in the two organizing departments; particularly well represented are PDEs and their applications, harmonic analysis, and geometric analysis. Furthermore, there exists a remarkable concentration of analysis research at universities around the Ohio Valley region. ORAM aims both to capitalize on and to deepen these connections. Each meeting features a rich mathematical program, with plenary lectures by leading experts and contributed talks by junior participants. The 2013 ORAM will have five plenary lectures and around 20 contributed talks.

The main goal of this mathematics conference is to present researchers from the larger region with a regular, centrally located forum in which to present their work, collaborate, and exchange ideas. While ORAM attracts analysts of all career stages, the organizers place particular emphasis on bringing in graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and pre-tenure faculty. Members of these groups especially benefit from exposure to cutting-edge research and unique networking opportunities. This NSF award will be used to help defray travel costs of such junior participants.

Project Report

The centerpiece of this project was to present the Third Ohio River Analysis Meeting, an annual mathematics conference specializing in the areas of Analysis and Partial Differential Equations. The conference is an annual event joinly organized by mathematics faculty at the University of Cincinnati and the University of Kentucky. The Third Ohio River Analysis Meeting took place in Cincinnati, Ohio, on March 9-10, 2013. The conference objectives are: to maintain strong collaboration between the Analysis and Differential Equations working groups at both institutions, to provide a regional forum where faculty, students, and recent graduates can present their research, and to attract prominent scholars to give invited lectures. It is a point of emphasis to seek out and encourage participation at all levels by women and minorities underrepresented in mathematics. This includes the invited keynote lectures, contributed papers, and students attending the conference to learn more about the subject. The Third Ohio River Analysis Meeting attracted 65 participants from the University of Cincinnati, the University of Kentucky, and 14 other institutions around the United States. Out of this total, 29 of the participants were current students. They were not only the largest single group in attendence but also the most active, as 10 students gave presentations on their original research. Recent graduates (with a degree in the past three years) were also very active at the conference. These two groups of junior participants together combined to contribute nearly three quarters of the research talks in the scientific program. Participation by women ranged between 15-20%, whether one considers overall numbers of participants, numbers of research presentations, or invited keynote speakers. The scientific program covered a broad array of topics within the general subject areas of Analysis and Differential Equations. Research presentations touched upon Mathematical Physics, Calculus of Variations, Geometric Analysis, Integral Operators, and Complex Function Theory, among other subjects. The organizers believe that gathering together experts in all these related fields highlights the connections between them and promotes collaboration on problems of common interest. A small portion of funds supported participants traveling to the Fourth Ohio River Analysis Meeting, which was held in Lexington, KY on March 8-9, 2014.

National Science Foundation (NSF)
Division of Mathematical Sciences (DMS)
Standard Grant (Standard)
Application #
Program Officer
Bruce P. Palka
Project Start
Project End
Budget Start
Budget End
Support Year
Fiscal Year
Total Cost
Indirect Cost
University of Cincinnati
United States
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