"The Future of Statistical Sciences" workshop will be held in London November 11-12, 2013. This research conference is the capstone event of the International Year of Statistics. It is being organized by the same five societies (American Statistical Association (ASA), International Biometric Society (IBS), International Mathematical Society (IMS), International Statistical Institute (ISI), and the Royal Statistical Society (RSS)) that founded the International Year of Statistics. The Workshop will bring together not only researchers but thought leaders from across the globe, including junior researchers in statistics who are rising stars, scientists from data-intensive fields, funders, and professional science writers to discuss the current state and future directions of the statistical sciences and to consider actionable strategies for advancing the profession. Bringing these statistical and other leaders together with other participants through this Workshop will provide an extraordinary opportunity to enhance existing collaborations and build new ones, which will greatly enhance the future statistical workforce. In addition to these benefits, a greater online presence and publications in high-profile scientific journals, a paper on the current state and future directions of statistics and the statistical workforce will be developed and made widely available. More information about the conference can be found at: www.statistics2013.org/about-the-future-of-the-statistical-sciences-workshop/

This award supports the participation of U.S. junior researchers, women, and members of underrepresented groups in an international workshop to be held in London November 11-12, 2013. The workshop is being put together by the five largest professional statistical societies in the world. Statisticians work in a vast array of fields: advancing science; creating new methodology; providing information that shapes public policy; making our medicines more effective, our food safer, and our planet better. Statisticians come from many cultures, speak many languages, and arrive at statistics as their profession through many paths. This workshop will showcase the breadth and importance of statistics and highlight the extraordinary opportunities for statistical research in the coming decade. The workshop will bring together a diverse group of top statistical researchers, including many relatively young researchers, women and minorities, and thought leaders, including non-statisticians in diverse areas, and give them and other participants an opportunity to think about where statistics should go as a discipline and the lessons learned that can guide us in the future. It will be a space in which statistical scientists and scientists in other fields can interact and develop a shared vision for the future.

Project Report

This award provided travel support for sixteen individuals to attend the Future of Statistical Sciences workshop held in London on November 11 and 12, 2013. The American Statistical Association, the Royal Statistical Society, and four other leading sta­tistical organizations partnered in celebrat­ing 2013 as the International Year of Statistics with this invitation-only summit as the capstone event of the International Year of Statistics, a year-long celebration during 2013 that drew as participants more than 2,300 organizations from 128 countries. This meeting brought together more than 100 invited participants for two days of lectures and discussions. The organizers made the lectures freely avail­able to the public online. The participants including some of the leading researchers in statistics, and the discussions focused on the interface between statistics and other sciences, and how collaborative efforts advance both statistical science and other sciences. A final report of the workshop,"Statistics and Science: A report of the London workshop on the future of the statistical sciences" is posted on The World of Statistics website and available at http://bit.ly/londonreport. It has been widely distributed. This award also provided funding for twenty-four individuals to attend the Joint Statistical Meetings that were held in Boston, MA from August 2-7, 2014. The recipients of the travel awards were under-graduates, graduates or recent graduates who were nominated by their professors for the award. Special priority was given to women and minorities. JSM (the Joint Statistical Meetings) is the largest gathering of statisticians held in North America. JSM 2014 was attended by more than 6,800 people from 46 countries including more than 800 students and 60% of the attendees having a PhD or in the process of obtaining one. Meeting activities will include over 40 hours of program activities including oral presentations, panel sessions and poster presentations. JSM also included an exhibit hall with over 80 exhibitors with state-of-the-art statistical products and opportunities, career placement services to include over 125 employers hiring for more than 275 positions, society and section business meetings, committee meetings, social activities and networking opportunities. Assisting students to participate in the most significant annual meeting of statisticians helps launch their careers as researchers.

National Science Foundation (NSF)
Division of Mathematical Sciences (DMS)
Standard Grant (Standard)
Application #
Program Officer
Gabor Szekely
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Project End
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American Statistical Association
United States
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