The meeting "Scattering and Inverse-Scattering in Multi-Dimensions" will be held on the campus of the University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, during the period May 15-23, 2014. The meeting features three days of conference talks (including tutorials) on May 15-17 followed by five days of workshop activity on May 19-23, separated by a break on May 18. The purpose of this conference is to bring together workers in integrable systems, dispersive nonlinear equations, and inverse scattering to forge collaborative links and advance research on completely integrable, two-dimensional systems, particularly dispersive models of nonlinear waves and normal matrix models. The meeting will pursue several lines of inquiry: (1) semiclassical limits of the direct and inverse scattering transforms, (2) eigenvalue distributions of random normal matrices, (3) exceptional sets and soliton solutions, and (4) one-dimensional limits of two-dimensional integrable systems.
This conference will bring together participants with expertise in pure and applied mathematics to attack problems with relevance for applications in physics, engineering, medicine, and oceanography. Applications to physics include models of random media, solvable models in statistical physics, mesoscopic physics, biophysical models, and water wave theory. Applications to engineering and medicine include non-destructive testing of materials and medical imaging. A common mathematical structure underlies all of these applications: the goal is to make progress in the understanding of applications in these diverse areas through collaboration among pure mathematicians, applied mathematicians, and numerical analysts. The award supports participation in the meeting by twenty junior researchers and fifteen senior researchers.
Meeting web site: