This award supports participation in the Seventh International Conference on High Dimensional Probability (HDP VII) taking place during May 26-31, 2014 at the Institut d'Études Scientifiques de Cargèse (IESC), France. High Dimensional Probability theory is the mathematical root for the analysis of Big Data, and developments in the theory and its connections to other disciplines will benefit science and society as a whole.
The topics of the conference will include Limit Theorems, Empirical Processes and their Applications, High Dimensional Statistics, Statistical Learning theory, Spin Glass Methods, Convex Geometry and Applications as well as Random Matrices and Additive Combinatorics. The meeting will consist of a mix of formal and informal discussions and presentations. It is not only intended to present the current state of the art in the field, but also to point out important open problems and to set new directions for the field. The information exchange taking place during HDP VII will enhance cross-pollination among the disciplines of mathematics, statistics, machine learning, and computer science. Particular attention has been paid to bring as speakers and participants, and ultimately into the future leadership of this conference series, junior researchers and researchers from under-represented groups.
More information is available at and
The International Conference on High Dimensional Probability has been held on a regular basis every three years, beginning as an outgrowth of the Probability in Banach Spaces conferences started in 1975. The seventh in the series was held during May 26-30, 2014 at the Centre d'Etudes Scientifiques de Cargese, France. There were 29 thirty-minute-talks and 22 participants. The meeting consisted of a mix of formal and informal discussions and presentations. It not only presented the current state of the art in the field, but also pointed out important open problems and set new directions for the field. The conference expedited communication and networking among researchers in HDP and related areas and continued the cross pollination among Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science. The conference brought together experts in high dimensional probability; faciliated interactions between experts actively involved in the development of new theories in high dimensional probability and leading researchers in statistics; fostered and developed research interests of Ph.D. students, junior faculty and post docs. The intellectual goal of the conference was to bring together experts in high dimensional probability and those in a number of the "areas of strong interaction" to discuss some of the major problems in this area and report on progress towards their solution. The conference was organized by Christian Houdré (Georgia Institute of Technology) Rafal Latala (University of Warsaw) Dmitry Panchenko (Texas A & M University) Patricia Reynaud-Bouret (University of Nice) Jan Rosinski (University of Tennessee, Knoxville)