During the period June 13-16, 2016, Harvard University will host a conference in pure mathematics on the theme of L-functions and Arithmetic. The purpose of the conference is to gather together leading experts and young researchers to discuss recent developments on the connections between analytic and algebraic aspects of number theory and arithmetic geometry. Such research has applications to cyber security, through cryptography, and to some aspects of coding theory. A significant portion of NSF funding will be used to fund the travel and housing of junior participants (e.g. graduate students and postdocs).
Over the four days of the conference there will be seventeen lectures by experts in number theory and arithmetic geometry. The conference program will focus on recent developments in (commutative and noncommutative) Iwasawa theory; the construction of new Euler systems for Galois representations; Stark's conjecture and the equivariant Tamagawa number conjecture; p-adic interpolation of modular forms, Selmer groups, and L-values; and recent breakthroughs in the study of average behaviors of class groups, Selmer groups, and Mordell-Weil groups. See:http://abel.harvard.edu/conferences/rubin16/index.html