This award supports participation in three annual conferences in number theory held in Upstate New York; the first conference will take place at Cornell University on April 27-28, 2019, the second conference the University of Rochester in 2020 and the third conference Union College in Schenectady in 2021. Binghamton University, the University at Buffalo and Daemen College will play administrative roles and we expect future conferences to be held in Binghamton and Buffalo. The investigators represent these six different institutions. The conference series seeks to have a broader impact in a number of ways. It will help graduate students and post-docs by exposing them to work of leading experts, by allowing them to communicate their own research and interests, and by giving them the chance to interact with experts, among themselves and with young people from nearby places. It will also allow specialists to disseminate their ideas to a larger audience.
At the level of faculty research, the conference series will continue to stimulate collaborations among several specialists in the region, while at the same time strengthening ties between researchers in Upstate New York and those near Boston, New York City, Montreal, Philadelphia, Princeton, and Toronto. The meetings will catalyze the region's research in number theory and will enrich the opportunities for education and professional development available to junior researchers in the region. The first conference will be centered on the themes of arithmetic geometry over finite fields and new directions in automorphic forms. More information about the conference series can be found at
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.