The International Conference on Design of Experiments (ICODOE 2019) will be held at the Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Memphis, during May 18-21, 2019. The design and analysis of experiments plays a critical role in the process of discovery and improvement in science, medicine, engineering and manufacturing and has enormous impact on the daily lives of just about every person in the United States and throughout the world. The goals of the ICODOE 2019 conference are (a) to encourage and support early career researchers, graduate students, and underrepresented groups (minority and women), and give them the opportunity to form networks for future research interaction, (b) to provide these researchers with state of the art knowledge in the area of experimental design, and (c) to bring outstanding researchers from across the world to present their active research in the field and its various applications. The conference will have a significant impact on the education of junior researchers and will help in the advancement of knowledge and cross fertilization of techniques of experimental designs across disciplines.
Rapid developments have taken place in research on design and analysis of experiments, and the conference will have sessions on a wide variety of topics of current importance, including the following issues. (i) Computer Experiments which have an ever growing impact on science, engineering and technology. The complexity of scientific questions emerging from successful interdisciplinary collaborations, make the development, assessment and utilization of complex computer models of critical importance; (ii) The rapid development of science and technology has enabled researchers to generate and collect data with considerable size and complexity in all fields from academia to industry. These data provide remarkable opportunities for discovering new knowledge and insights, yet these opportunities have not yet been fully explored due to the computational burden. A systematic experimental design thinking for large-scale statistical analysis is essential; (iii) With the increasing popularity of social media, designs for online experiments are becoming vitally necessary. Other sessions will include the design of simulation experiments needed in manufacturing, new developments in factorial designs for industry, design of discrete choice experiments for marketing, psychology, and medical studies, adaptive designs for clinical trials, optimal design of dose-finding studies for pharmaceutical research, computational aspects of large-scale optimal experimental designs and Bayesian nonlinear designs, designs for experiments with multiple objectives or multiple stages, and issues of robustness including the interface of design with machine learning. The website for ICODOE 2019 is
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