The conference "Homological Methods and Tilting Theory of Finite Dimensional Algebras" will be held at The University of Iowa on August 16-19, 2019. The meeting will be a main event for researchers in the field of representation theory of finite dimensional algebras, with special focus on homological methods. Homological and categorical methods, including tilting theory, have had a great impact on representation theory of finite dimensional algebras and many of the main conjectures of the field have a homological flavor. The conference will include both talks by experts on recent progress and new approaches to open questions, and talks by early-career researchers about their research.
The meeting will bring together experts in representation theory and related fields, as well as early-career mathematicians, especially postdocs and graduate students. One goal of the meeting is to introduce participants to the latest directions in tilting theory and categorical methods, as well as new ideas and progress on homological conjectures, via expository talks by senior mathematicians that will be accessible to graduate students. The conference will provide a dynamic atmosphere encouraging interactions between leaders in the field and early-career mathematicians and PhD students, and the schedule will provide ample time for discussions and forging new collaborations. Details of the conference are available at the website
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