The principal investigators, David Hoffman and Joel Spruck, will conduct research in differential geometry, calculus of variations and applied Mathematics. This research has a strong computational component, while still addressing problems of current theoretical interest. The computational side two aspects: Implementation of algorithms to solve problems in partial differential equations (arising from physical problems) and scientific graphics. This research involves collaboration with many technical people and scientists from other disciplines, as well as a large number of students and visitors and an active research and training seminar. Critical to these projects has been the creation of a computational laboratory, which has become the core of the Geometry Analysis Numerics and Graphics Center (GANG). Under the technical direction of David Oliver with collaboration of James T. Hoffman, senior graphics programmer, the laboratory is not only supporting high level scientific research, but also producing graphics tools for other sites and providing vital technical assistance to mathematicians and scientists with the need for aid scientific visualization. Among the active research projects are: construction of periodic minimal surfaces; investigation of block copolymer interfaces influenced by boundary constraints; computational fluid dynamics; computational algorithms for plasma confinement; and theoretical and numerical investigation of motion by mean curvature.