The principal objective of the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Traineeship Program is to increase the numbers of talented U.S. undergraduates enrolling in doctoral programs in critical and emerging areas of science and engineering. Proposals were solicited from institutions whose existing facilities and staff could accommodate additional graduate students in Ph.D. programs of high quality. The program is also intended to contribute to strengthening the Nation's human resource base across all geographic sectors and among all under-represented groups. Graduate Research Traineeship awards are packages of student support. The colleges and universities that receive the awards are responsible for the selection of trainees, retention of trainees, and administration of traineeships. The University of Colorado at Boulder will initiate a focused traineeship program in the areas that couple applied, nonlinear, and computational mathematics. The initiative will integrate the tools of high-performance computing into the educational program with supercomputer facilities at Los Alamos National Laboratories (LANL) and the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), provide for summer internships at national research laboratories (LANL and NCAR), and fund an industrial laboratory seminar series. The department will continue to make strong efforts to recruit and retain students from under-represented groups.