9401185 Guilbault This award provides partial support for a workshop in geometric topology to be held in each of the summers of 1995, 1996, and 1997. The 1995 workshop will be held on the campus of the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, with Professors Fredric D. Ancel and Craig R. Guilbault as the local organizers and Professor Shmuel Weinberger of the University of Pennsylvania as the principal lecturer. The 1996 workshop will be held at Colorado College, and the 1997 workshop will be held at Oregon State University. Geometric topology treats the structure and properties of low- dimensional topological manifolds. Previous workshops in this series have focused on such major developments in the field as the solution of the knot-complement problem by Andrew Casson and John Luecke. The principal lectures on that occasion (1989) were given by Luecke, whose solution confirmed the conjecture that a knot in 3-dimensional space is completely determined by its complement, which is the residual space remaining after a worm has eaten its way along the knot, leaving a knot-shaped tunnel behind. ***