9626832 Santosa The University-Industry Cooperative Research Programs in the Mathematical Sciences are programs designed to establish a mechanism for exchange of mathematical scientists between academia and industry at different stages of their careers. These programs will strengthen the links between industry and academia and identify and encourage new avenues of research in the mathematical sciences. The University-Industry Postdoctoral Research Fellowships provide two years of support for recent recipients of doctoral degrees in the mathematical sciences. These awards are a means of contributing to the future vitality of the scientific effort of the nation. The postdoctoral fellow will work closely with scientific advisors from both academia and industry. The postdoctoral fellow will work under the direction of Michael L. Oristaglio at Schlumberger-Doll and Fadil Santosa at the University of Minnesota. The research involves the study of mathematical and computational problems of geophysical exploration. In particular the main area of mathematical study is inverse problems.