DMS9711098 51st Session of ISI, Istanbul Abstract The American Statistical Association (ASA), an affiliate of the International Statistical Institute (ISI), requests funds for approximately twenty (20) travel grants for the meetings of the 51st Session of the ISI to be held in Istanbul, Turkey, from August 18-27, 1997. The ISI holds its biennial meetings in capital cities around the world, in odd-numbered years. Of the approximately 500 United States residents who are members of the ISI, about 60 percent attend the biennial meeting. The ISI meeting includes meetings of the Bernoulli Society for Mathematical Statistics and Probability; the International Association for Survey Statisticians (IASS); the International Association for Statistical Computing (IASC); the International Association for Official Statistics (IAOS); and the International Association for Statistical Education (IASE) Thus, this will be an umbrella meeting with sessions of interest for thousands of statisticians. Further, the meetings bring together individuals from various areas of statistical research. Papers cover theoretical statistics and many areas of application including engineering and the behavioral, social, physical, and health sciences. Copies of individual papers are made available during the meeting and proceedings of the biennial sessions are published. Examples of some of the presentations by recipients of past NSF travel grants include "The Role of Electronic Communication in Statistics Education," "Object Oriented Methods in Statistics-- Graphical Construction and Editing of Plots," and "Time Series Applications in Astronomy and Meteorology." The travel grants will provide partial support to defray transportation costs for a limited number of individuals, who will be selected by a committee of ASA members. Of primary importance to the ASA is the emphasis placed on encouraging younger statisticians to participate in the meeting. ASA proposes to awa rd approximately twenty grants, with the majority of the funds supporting individuals who received their Ph.D. in 1988 or later. The ASA encourages applications from all qualified individuals, especially women and minorities. ASA affirms the policies of the NSF in this regard.