"YouthLink" immerses teens in varied and informal learning experiences using the newest, most exciting tools for web design and production, animation, audio and video production and post-production. This proposed expansion of the existing "YouthLink" program that will engage a diverse cadre of 120 chronically underrepresented teens in the San Francisco area, aged 14-18, in year-round IT informal learning experiences. In addition, 150 parents, 60 educators, 50 companies, and 300 teenage peers will also be involved in the YouthLink program through Family Technology Nights, community outreach activities, internships, and the distribution of youth-made technology projects via video and the web. "YouthLink" will reach national stakeholders through an interactive learning curriculum for teens distributed on DVD-ROM and an online magazine for teens. Project components include: Basic or Advanced "YouthLink" (depending upon IT skill level at entry), SCANS skills and career preparation, self-paced interactive learning module and "YouthLink" internships. Students will be involved at least 220 hours per year.