"CyberTech" is a three-year innovative, highly integrated computer science program targeting 600 students, 60 teachers and 10 high schools, beginning in the student's sophomore year and continuing through the senior year. The U.S. Department of Labor employment projections for 2000-2010 predict an increase of 75% in IT jobs requiring a bachelor's degree or higher. Non-white students in America's public schools are rapidly increasing and represent the majority of students in many localities. They, along with women, are underrepresented in the IT workforce.

The intellectual merit of this rigorous program is based upon the highly qualified faculty; plans to provide AP certification of high school teachers incorporating research-based strategies promoting inclusiveness, empowerment, cooperative learning, student investigation and inquiry, the critical SCANS workplace competencies and skills, and student success in an exciting and challenging 130 hour computer science curriculum for high school students. The program is based upon: CyberTech I, a 75-hour principles of computer science course for sophomores; CyberTech II, an on-campus, 60-hour, Java programming course for CyberTech I graduates; a junior year Saturday Academy designed to maintain and enhance students' programming skills including video game development and animation; and a senior year AP computer science course available to CyberTech participants and other qualified students.

The broader impact of this highly-regarded program is to significantly increase the participation of African-Americans, Hispanics, women and first-generation college-bound high school students in science careers and to enhance the preparation of their IT teachers.

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Kennesaw State University
United States
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