This project will develop and distribute widely a resource for professional development providers and science teachers. This is a novel concept because it will provide a "one-stop-shop" for professional development. The online resource is a database that brings numerous individual resources together. The user of this website will locate exemplary lesson plans using a matrix that offers lessons by concept and research-based best practices. The project helps fill a void of a centralized site where teachers could go to access high-quality tools. An existing website will be extended and adapted to provide a matrix for science teachers to access specific lessons for the purpose of introducing best practices and models of standards-based instruction. The project team will expand and test an interactive, web-based tool that customizes professional development content to district and professional development needs, and connects best science teaching practices with science content standards and professional development standards. The online format can be easily disseminated and available to anyone that has access to the Internet. It could be used extensively at universities and for classroom teachers.