"IT Girl" is an innovative youth-based program designed to engage middle and high school girls in building competency and interest in science, technology, engineering and math careers through collaborative technology and science-intensive projects in game development and information visualization. The project triangulates Girlstart's successful program structure of after-school activities, Saturday and summer technology camps, intensive parent involvement, field experiences, with innovative curricula in visualization and game development. Program objectives include improving technology skills in girls; providing access to internships at local technology companies and to professional women in STEM careers. Girlstart maintains long established relationships with local firms and professional organizations, including the Austin Game Development Association and the Greater Austin Chamber of Commerce. In addition, all participants will receive assistance in identifying a clear educational and career path to STEM careers. The project will provide girls and parents with a comprehensive program of guidance and support designed to help girls prepare and apply for college, including encouragement to enroll in Austin Community College's Early College Start programs and AP classes. The program targets underrepresented and economically disadvantaged girls from the Austin Independent School District. Sixty high school students will participate in 138 contact hours of programming, and 40 middle school girls in 125 contact hours. The project will advance research and knowledge on girls and technology, focusing on how informal learning experiences in advanced technologies, not generally taught in schools, can most successfully interest girls in STEM.