This project involves revising the Interactive Mathematics Program (IMP), a four-year, integrated, problem-based, college-preparatory, high-school mathematics curriculum developed with funding from the State of California and the NSF. Revisions will build on successful elements of the program in ways that respond to the changing context of mathematics education. The revisions will focus on three objectives. First, the curriculum will be strengthened by making changes that give the program greater flexibility. This will be accomplished by adding a major technology component, and by making content changes that respond to recent state and national policy documents. Second, the professional development program will be strengthened through leadership programs that produce more professional development leaders and by creating consistency and sustainability through a Professional Development Handbook that articulates IMP's vision of successful professional development. Third, dissemination and implementation efforts will be strengthened by developing new materials about all aspects of IMP that will inform and address concerns of educational decision makers such as school boards, administrators, parents, and teachers. These efforts will be carried out with the guidance of a broad-based steering committee. There will be general evaluation of all project components, as well as analysis of the mathematical content of the revised curriculum materials. Cost sharing includes substantial contributions from the publisher and from San Francisco State University.