"Science in the Circle" leverages the rich diversity of arts and sciences resources within the University Circle area of Cleveland, Ohio to engage students in authentic, multidisciplinary science experiences. A collaboration between Case Western Reserve University, the Cleveland Municipal School District (CMSD), the Cleveland Clinic Foundation, and several cultural institutions collectively represented by University Circle, Inc., "Science in the Circle" uses the JASON Project to link formal in-school activities with informal after-school and summer activities. Case delivers an extensive, multidisciplinary professional development program for CMSD teachers in grades 6-8 to include content in mathematics, biology, earth science, physics and chemistry. During the out-of-school component CMSD middle school students spend five weeks at each of four University Circle institutions conducting in-depth investigations of student-generated, JASON-related questions from the unique perspective of each partner organization. Museum staff members, CMSD teachers, CMSD high school students and Case teacher licensure students work with groups of students as they use the exceptional resources of each institution to engage in authentic scientific research. These unique perspectives are brought together during the summer two-week workshop when teams of students work collaboratively to prepare a comprehensive, multidisciplinary poster presentation of their work.
"Science in the Circle" will impact 100 students and 20 teachers during each of the three years of the program. This project provides an excellent opportunity to investigate the impact of informal learning experiences on classroom performance and student attitudes about science. The program brings students to University Circle institutions that they would likely have never visited otherwise with the hope they become life-long patrons and life-long learners. The program builds on existing partnerships, maximizes the impact of those relationships by working toward a common goal and sets the stage for future collaborations.