The Pascagoula School District in southern Mississippi is partnering with the National Audubon Society (Audubon Mississippi), Chevron-Texaco, Mississippi Naturalists, NASA and the University of Southern Mississippi to extend its existing science curriculum by involving 135 students and 9 teachers from three middle schools in grades 6-8 in out-of-school time scientific investigations of local coastal wetlands. Approximately 50 percent of the students in the district are students of color and/or economically disadvantaged. Project goals are to (1) increase students' understanding, appreciation, attraction and interest in STEM fields and prepare them for high school course work and post-secondary study in science, math and engineering; (2) improve teachers' "content knowledge and pedagogical skills through collaborative experimentation and rich industrial and academic experiences with researchers in STEM fields;" and (3) "establish a sustainable and replicable model for development and implementation of an integrated in- and out-of-school curricular program." The project is conducting research on the impact of the program on student and teacher learning and attitudes, parental involvement and partnership development.