This is a project to engage students and teachers with the rapidly expanding science content available using information technology and through the cyberinfrastructure. Learners seldom have an opportunity to also be contributors, and underserved and disadvantaged students are most often bypassed for such opportunities. The project uses methods that the PI believes inspire student involvement and learning, engage teachers, and meet district/state/national standards.
The partners include Sweetwater Unified High School District, the University of California at San Diego, San Diego State University, and a number of local IT firms and others. The workshops are interdisciplinary and include 25-30 teachers each summer (three-year total of 75 teachers) from science, math and English classrooms working with "scientists renowned for interdisciplinary science collaboration, and pedagogy experts." In addition, 200 students are involved each summer helping to develop activities and acquiring media, communication and leadership skills.
The activities include student and teacher teams designing and developing "STEMtube clips (in Spanish and English), short videos that document/demonstrate science concepts, career options or explicate scientific journal articles."