The goal of the proposed work is to enhance the feasibility of using virtual environments (VE) for the teaching of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) at all grade levels in order to maximize the effectiveness of curricula. In principle, the applications of VEs for training in physics, chemistry, astronomy, engineering, biology and mathematics are unlimited. However, in practice, their usefulness has been limited by undesirable side effects of motion sickness, dizziness, and postural instability. Consequently, users spontaneously limit their head and body movements in frequency and amplitude and move more tentatively. Many have to terminate participation. In order for VEs to be a viable tool for educators it is necessary first to identify the primary factors that contribute to motion sickness, postural instability and impaired eye-head coordination in VEs. A coordinated series of experiments is proposed using as a model an educational VE designed to teach molecular and chemical structure. The relationship of field-of-view, tracking delays in scene updating, and visual resolution to these side effects will be determined. Techniques involving various types of haptic cuing of body and environment orientation will be used to suppress side effects and increase the user?s mobility and ability to learn the VE. Head movement contingent blanking of the visual field will be tested as a way of attenuating motion sickness, postural instability, and preventing derangements of gaze control. The goal of the proposed research is to enable students to move naturally and freely while exploring the VE without restricting their activities and without their becoming nauseous, dizzy, or unstable. Achieving this would be transformative by increasing the usefulness of immersive VEs for training in STEM disciplines.

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Brandeis University
United States
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