In this EAGER proposal, the investigator proposes to conduct exploratory research into threshold concepts in graduate student learning of biology. These are concepts that are hypothesized to be transformative and critical in the progression of a student as primarily a learner to a producer of knowledge. The investigator and students will attempt to identify the skills and competencies that are needed for students to succeed in their doctoral education and the extent to which these might represent affirmation of the threshold concept hypothesis.
The researchers will interview graduate students and faculty as identified through a number of professional societies in biology. Focus groups will also be conducted. The study represents among the first studies of graduate learning and cognition in STEM fields. The research is therefore exploratory and high risk.
If successful, this research could have longer-term transformative effects on graduate education. Identifying core competencies of how student learning and skills development succeeds in biology could be used in improving the way in which graduate students are taught and enhancing the productivity of learning.